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Darien George’S Blog

The Steps to Decide Your Charity of Choice

The Steps to Decide Your Charity of Choice

Throughout the year, there are many times when Americans think about giving back; the holiday season, the end of year for taxes, giving day, or at community non-profit events. It also marks when various charitable organizations and groups reach out to donors. It can...

Reasons To Start Volunteering

Reasons To Start Volunteering

Volunteering is a terrific way to improve your skills or learn about charitable causes. This article discusses the various benefits of volunteering, such as career and social benefits. It also offers some tips for finding a great volunteer opportunity that fits your...

The Importance of Giving to Charity

The Importance of Giving to Charity

Charity is a type of giving that doesn’t expect anything in return. Instead, it focuses on providing the most vulnerable individuals in society with the resources they need to meet their needs. Nonprofits are not financially able to benefit from donations that are...

How To Give Back Without Breaking The Bank

How To Give Back Without Breaking The Bank

One of the most admirable goals of any person is to give back to their community. Unfortunately, not enough people consider how important their local community is. Even though it can be beneficial to give back, it can be hard to reconcile giving away money that you...

4 Different Ways Philanthropy Is Changing

4 Different Ways Philanthropy Is Changing

The changing nature of philanthropy is helping improve people's quality of life worldwide. As a result, more diverse and inclusive causes are being created by philanthropists, entrepreneurs,  and other givers. Philanthropy is evolving and here are the different ways...

Top Philanthropists for 2022

Top Philanthropists for 2022

The giving of America's great philanthropists continues to grow. According to Forbes' estimates, the 25 wealthiest individuals in the country have given a total of $169 billion to various charitable organizations over their lives. This is up from last year's total of...

Why Philanthropy Is Important

Why Philanthropy Is Important

The term philanthropy refers to goodwill toward other people. It can refer to various humanitarian acts, such as monetary donations and volunteering. Organizations or individuals can also be philanthropic. Most people associate philanthropy with wealthy individuals...

Helping Your Local Community in Small Ways

Helping Your Local Community in Small Ways

The desire to give back to a community is natural and common. However, many people hesitate to follow through on this desire, usually because they are uncertain about the first step or how to get involved. Sometimes, they are overwhelmed by all the needs out in the...

Philanthropy vs. Charity

Philanthropy vs. Charity

Many people hear the terms charity and philanthropy and think they are essentially interchangeable. However, this is often not the case for those who spend their days working hard within the nonprofit sector. The idea of giving back to our communities is not uncommon....